
How I Relax in the Summer (and Prep for the next School Year!)

It's finally here! I'm so excited with all my plans for fun things to do "in summmmmerrrrr." (Yes, I said that in my best snowman voice.)

It's the first Monday of summer for me! I think it's really important to find time to recharge and relax during the summer break, however long it may be for your school. I tend to spend most of my time planning, making things for the classroom and organizing the materials to be used the next year.

So this year, I'm going to try to make a point and document what I'm doing to refresh and recharge... and maybe that will keep me motivated not to work every spare moment!

Here's what I've been up to so far:

Fun time with my church family, :-) 

<pic of church fam>

Brunch date with my hubby, (my first crepe!)

<brunch pic>

A little shopping,

<shopping pic>

Making stuff for our house and

<house pic>

Making stuff for our tummies!

I also got a tiny bit done for school next year! Every year I throw all the "loaner" recorders in the dishwasher for a good clean.

<dishwasher pic>

Of course, that means I have to pull the tape off each one and after they dry, put fresh tape back on. Then when a new student needs a recorder, I write their name on the top with a sharpie and it's theirs for the year. This year, I didn't wait till August to do this! 

<recorder pic>

I can't help it - one last shot of my puppy to prove that I'm really relaxing! Smooshy face!

What are you doing to recharge this summer?

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