In addition to reading to my classes, I try to leave a book for every class when I have a sub! It's something that subs like to do and the kids (usually!) don't mind.
I did a Goodreads challenge the last few years and I read around 100 books a year! Before you are too impressed, let me say that I include ALL the books I read in my classroom (or in preparation for a class), too!
Here are some of my highlights from this year:
Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush - illustrated by Will Hillenbrand
This one is perfect for the first day of school! As a song tale, you sing each page and my kids love to join in.
There Was a Man and He Was Mad - adapted by John Feierabend; great song tale - if you have a male friend who can record himself singing this book it's even better!
Down by the Station - illustrated by Will Hillenbrand
I love this illustration of the folk song Down by the Station! Hillenbrand does a great job keeping my students' interest with new animals and an add-on sound effect each time. My students always notice the child in the wheelchair at the end. Perfect pairing with Page's Train or Engine, Engine!
Bear Feels Sick - by Karma Wilson
This is a great book to read in the middle of flu season! "Why aren't we high-fiving at the door, Mrs. Sweet?" "Because everyone has the flu or the stomach bug!" It's super sweet and has a good ending - and it gives you a chance to talk about staying home when you're sick so you don't get your friends sick. It's also a great pairing with the folk song Mother, Mother, I Feel Sick!
Charlie Parker Played Bebop - by Chris Raschka
After I found the Between the Lions episode with this book, it has become one of my favorites. Even if you don't show the video in your class, I recommend listening to it to get ideas for how to read the jazzy words.
The Song of Six Birds is a beautiful African tale about a girl who goes and collects "songs" from birds to make her song better. Such a sweet message! It's a perfect pairing with Here Comes a Bluebird.
What Do You Do With An Idea? - by Kobi Yamada
This is a fun book to connect to your composition unit or after improvising. It is a great read for a sub!
Too Many Carrots - by Katy Hudson
This is an adorable quick read if you have a song about a rabbit - I like to pair this with Little Bunny Foo Foo! Of course, you could just read the Little Bunny Foo Foo book by Michael Rosen instead!

This is a fabulous Chinese tale of the Big Bad Wolf. I have used this in October with We are Dancing in the Forest and I've used this during as part of a multi-cultural emphasis. It's a little bit scary, so save this for a more mature group.
Hoot & Honk Just Can't Sleep - by Leslie Helakoski
Such a sweet story! Great for loud/soft unit or to pair with a song with bird emphasis; very few words, so a quick but gentle read.
Chicks and Salsa - by Aaron Reynolds
Silly adventure story with some smart chickens! When I have time, I like to include this when I introduce Chicken on the Fencepost.
Dog in Boots - Greg Gormsky
I read this book as a hilarious transition from Doggie Doggie to Cobbler, Cobbler. (I replace the word shopkeeper with the word cobbler and it works well!) My students love the dog's antics and the ending is perfect.
The Wheels on the Bus - Maryann Kovalski
After presenting ta/tadi, my students love getting to practice on instruments right away! Most of my students know the song already, so we sing along and play rhythm instruments on "round and round" (aka tadi ta). The best part - it doesn't take 14 years to teach! There's also a French translation if you're daring (or know French!).
Animal Boogie - Debbie Harter

L is for Liberty - Wendy Cheyette Lewison
Beautiful short story with a patriotic theme!
This is my favorite version of the "Old Lady" books. I try to impress my students by reading the repeated phrases as fast as I can - hilarious!

This book is an illustration of the folk song Hush-a-Bye. The pictures are gentle drawings with soft colors and fit perfectly into my loud-soft Kindergarten unit. This looks to be out of print, but can be purchased used online or at your local used bookstore!
I Have a Little Dreidel - Maxie Baum
Cute story that acts out the song - can be read or sung. Includes a recipe for latkes at the end!
The Story of the Nutcracker Ballet - Deborah Hautzig
This is a great addition to any Nutcracker unit! It tells the story of the ballet in simple words. If you're short on time, just show the pictures and let the kids tell you what they see.
The 12 Days of Christmas - illustrated by Jan Brett
This is a beautiful version of the 12 Days song! I like to pair it with another of my favorites (though it may be harder to find a copy!), Letters of Thanks. If you can find a copy of it, The 12 Days of Kiwi Christmas by Myles Lawford is great as well!
This is a book that I've read so many times, it's falling apart! I read this to every class the last time I see them before Christmas. The illustrations are incredible - of course! - and the storyline is fun.
If you want more, check out my Pinterest board Music Teacher Books here!
What books do you read in your music class? Comment below or connect on Facebook!
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