
Glittery Wal-Mart Fun, Labor Day Sale and $2 Tuesday!

I can't believe it's already September! This year is flying by!

Now I'm a Target girl myself, but occasionally I like to check out the deals on Legos and craft supplies at Wal-Mart. I found some really cute things the other day for my classroom!

I love glittery foam letters - they would be perfect for tapping the Beat or Rhythm or Melody on my interactive white board. Slap them on a paint stick and away we go! And they are about a buck a piece, so it fits nicely in my budget. 

Did you know that there is GLITTER duck tape? I had no idea. I've seen the shimmery kind and the sheets of duct tape in all different colors, but I found glitter - in several different colors. They also had tiny duct tape and duck washi! How cute! 

I use duct tape to mark where my chairs (are supposed to) line up in rows. A little piece on the leg of the chair and a little piece on the cabinet or wall where they should align. It's a nice visual that helps most kids be able to align the chairs independently. 

It's too bad I can't do a purchase order to Wal-Mart anymore or we'd have a budget problem in the music room. Ha!

Now for the fun - it's time for a Labor Day Sale!

My store will be 20% Monday and Tuesday only! Just in time for those teachers that go back to school after Labor Day (lucky!!).

And as a super fun treat, it's $2Tuesday again! Tuesday only, music teachers all over the world will be joining in to offer one of their normally $3-$6 items for $2!! I love $2 Tuesday!

To find the items, just go to TPT and search for $2TuesdayMusicFlashSale (or click here!). Teachers will be linking up soon, since the other side of the world is getting ready to head into Tuesday. (or maybe they're already there!)

This month, I'm offering my new bundle for La - this includes both the Bobby Shaftoe slides and the Lucy Locket slides!

I recently updated both the Bobby and Lucy files, so they are super cute and ready to go! 

Here's a sneak peek into some of the slides for Bobby Shaftoe: La Practice Pack:

Improvise some new lyrics!

Vanishing Treasure game for writing the new pitch under the rhythms

And plenty of flashcards (staff and rhythmic notation) 
for whole group or centers reading, arranging and instrument play!
(full color & ink friendly)


The case of the missing melody: Writing our new note la!

Hope you're having a fantastic Labor Day! Grill up some burgers! Relax with your family!
Have a safe and happy holiday!

Let’s Connect!

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